Even before the 08’-09’ NBA Basketball season began, The Lakers were praised by many to come out victors in this years finals. And when the season began, the Lakers were seamless and even more favored them as the champs. But up to a week ago peoples views on the Lakers changed as they seemed to lose that “spark” and even losing two games back-to-back. Meanwhile, the Celtics seemed to only get better, breaking NBA records, and impossibly improving after every game. The Big Three(Pierce, Garnett and Allen) now have people to back them up when their game isn’t on point. Rondo is playing his mind out, who just last year was criticized as not having enough experience to bring them to the finals. Perkins is still the same, but for some reason always seems to get under Bynum’s skin. The Others like Powe, T. Allen, House, and the rest also show improvement from last year.
Up to a couple days ago, I as a Laker Fan was worried, feeling our team slip in to relax mode. But since that back-to-back loss to Miami and Orlando, Kobe had that fire in his eyes, that killer we all know he has in him, that we haven’t seen in a while. Pushing(Literally and Metaphorically speaking) his team to win a sketchy game against Memphis. He then got the rest of the Lakers to give in to his mind set and ran through the New Orleans Hornets on their home floor. All of a sudden this team is back to square one. They played with passion and that hunger they need to play with. And what a better time to step their game up than the games right before they play the Laker fan’s most hated team, The Boston Celtics.
This is more than just a game. For the Lakers and much more the fans, a dream to have their team beat the hell out of the Celtics! I could almost hear the sensations of the crowd and the “BOSTON SUCKS!” chants. And not to long from now, both the Lakers and Celtics will step on that hardwood floor of Los Angeles’ Staples Center and play their hearts out for themselves and for the fans this Christmas Day. Last years victims were of the Phoenix Suns. This year… The Boston Celtics.
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